The DSA is vital to the life and ministry of our local church - assisting the formation of our seminarians and deacons in training, the care of our retired priests and religious, the education of our youth, and so much more.
I am so grateful and excited to tell you that this past year was our best DSA collection in parish history!
Our goal was $116,000. We pledged $164,000. And we collected over $172,000!
As promised, all donations over our goal came back to the parish, which means we received over $55,000 in return.
Our goal this year is just under $160,000. The goal is calculated simply as a percent of our annual income. Since our income was up last year, our goal is up.
The parish is required to pay this amount to the diocese whether we reach our goal or not. However, just like last year, any donations we receive over our goal are returned to the parish. These returned funds are not taken into account for our annual income. Think of it as non-taxable income. In other words, you help Holy Cross more by giving to the DSA than you do with any other donation to the parish.
While we should be grateful for how much we raised last year, this was largely due to big sum donations. Unfortunately, we still have less than 10% of parishioners contributing. But the silver lining is that all we need are more parishioners to participate to make it that much easier for us to reach our goal this year. No donation is too small, even a single dollar will help!
Again, thank you so much for your generosity this past year, and please prayerfully consider your sacrificial gift this year.
God bless,
Fr. 20